Sunday, February 16, 2014


Courtesy of competitors WOD 
1.  "Barbell Hell"
With a 15 minute running clock...
2 Minutes of max rep Snatches
2 Minutes of max rep Thrusters
2 Minutes of max rep Power Clean
2 Minutes of max rep Front Squats
2 Minutes of max rep Back Squats
1 Minutes of max rep Snatches
1 Minutes of max rep Thrusters
1 Minutes of max rep Power Clean
1 Minutes of max rep Front Squats
1 Minutes of max rep Back Squats
Guys use 135#
Girls use 95#
Score is total reps completed.  You can rest anywhere except with the barbell on the ground.  The snatches and cleans must be touch and go.   If the barbell comes to rest at any point during the 15 minutes, you must complete 10 dead lifts before continuing (the penalty dead lift reps don't count towards your total score). 


2.  "GymNasty"
All of the following for time:
12-9-6 of:  Strict Pull ups and Strict Ring Dips
12-9-6 of:  C2B pull ups and Kipping Ring Dips
2 Rope Climbs
12-9-6 of:  Strict HSPU and Pistols (round one is 12 left and 12 right, 24 total, no alternating)
12-9-6 of:  Kipping HSPU and Alternating Pistols (round one is 6/side alternating every rep)
2 Rope Climbs
12-9-6 of:  Muscle ups and Burpee Box Jumps, 30/24
12-9-6 of:  Bar Muscle ups and Burpee Box Jumps Overs, 24/20
2 Rope Climbs